Hades ps5 review
Hades ps5 review

hades ps5 review

He doesn’t seem to have the time or patience to deal with his son’s rebellion any longer. Hades lives in that place of self-superiority, certain that his son will never understand the lengths he’s gone through to be a father and lord of the Underworld. There’s a shared history between these two characters, a mix of mistrust, love, exhaustion and frustration. The father and son rarely find common ground. He’s spent eons dealing with Hades, just as Hades has spent eons dealing with Zagreus.

hades ps5 review

Every comment from Zagreus to his father is sarcastic or accusatory. As we chat, Zagreus himself has the smug air of a young adult committed to his goth attitude and aesthetic. The more I talk to him, the more I think there’s some kind of affection beneath his mean exterior, but it’s rare that you ever hear it in his voice. Hades has the gruff temperament of Kratos from God of War, acting as if I’ll never do anything good enough for him. I’m not just some wayward soul trying to escape the underworld, after all, I’m prince of the underworld: Zagreus. And then I approach the desk of my father, Hades. I stop by Hypnos, who turns to me and offers me his condolences on my failure - remarking on whatever beast managed to take me down.

hades ps5 review

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Hades ps5 review